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Paul Gripton: 07850586096

We offer group classes, puppy basics & socialisation from 12 weeks. Beginner/Novice/Intermediate/Advanced classes.
1:2:1 classes are personally tailored to you and your dogs requirements so you can achieve what goals you have set yourself.
Group bookings with friends, clubs, societies or shooting parties are also offered, tailored to your requirements.
Our training ground is open to hire for individual Gundog clubs and societies wishing to hold their own training days or working tests.
1:2:1 1 hour = £30.00
Group lessons 1 hour = £20.00, maximum 6 handlers
Group lessons 1 hour 30 mins = £25.00, maximum 6 handlers.
RESIDENTIAL TRAINING is available, a minimum booking of four weeks. Included is the following; a 1 hour assessment of you and your dog prior to any training, we can both agree on the dogs benchmark, a discussion to what you want to achieve during the dogs time with us. A weekly written report and un-edited videos of the dogs progress each week, including a training plan for the coming week. Upon collection a one hour demonstration and lesson to help you when you leave us to carry on the training, and remote help free of charge with any issues you may have once home for the first month. The dog will be trained on a variety of grounds and cover, from grasses, bramble, bracken, woodland, cover crop, root crop and water. We also have the option of a rabbit pen and walked up shooting on rabbits should it be required.
Price: POA
Please contact us for details on shoot training days (cold game, beating, picking up workshops), including live game during the season.
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